Web hosting is a service which allows the organizations and individuals to publish a website on the internet. In simple terms, web hosting services is a business and it offers the technologies required for the website to be viewed on the internet. Most probably the websites or web pages are hosted and saved on a special computer known as servers. Below is the plan for your website. Host your website today.

Host Website111
Space – SSD Disk Space3510
Ram1 GB1 GB1 GB
Business Email2510
cPanel + SoftaculousYesYesYes
1 MySQL DB’s125
Sub Domain258
Premium WordPress ThemeNoYesYes
Premium WordPress PluginNoYesYes

Are you Indian web hosting company? I.e are you hosting all your websites in India ?
Yes, We 100% guarantee that We host all your websites in Indian DataCenter. So that your website gets SEO friendly and super fast loading time.

Can you help me to host a website?
We will certainly help you to host your website. Please contact our support team using the support page. Being one of the best company in India, It is our responsibility to guide our customers.